Your Guide and Ally on This Exhilarating Journey To Embrace a Fulfilling Childfree Life

Wilmarie Hernandez

Transform Your Life with

Welcome to the K.I.D.F.R.E.E. Life Blueprint, a revolutionary private coaching program tailored specifically for childfree women. This is your invitation to step into your power, embrace your choice, and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and values.

Your Guide and Ally on This Exhilarating Journey To Embrace a Fulfilling Childfree Life

Wilmarie Hernandez

Wilmarie Hernandez

Welcome to the K.I.D.F.R.E.E. Life Blueprint, a revolutionary private coaching program tailored specifically for childfree women. This is your invitation to step into your power, embrace your choice, and create a life that aligns with your deepest desires and values.

Why I Understand You

My story might sound familiar to many of you. Born and raised in a culture steeped in tradition, I grew up surrounded by expectations that didn’t resonate with my own desires—especially the assumption that motherhood was a must. From a young age, I knew that path wasn’t for me. Despite the pressures and occasional backlash, I’ve lived my truth with every step, turning my once quiet rebellion into a loud and proud declaration of independence.

My Journey to Empowerment

This journey wasn’t just about deciding not to have children; it was about discovering who I am and what I truly want out of life. Along the way, I’ve armed myself with an MBA in Marketing, coaching certifications, spiritual practices and learnings, and years of real-world experience guiding and growing a vibrant online community for childfree women.

Stepping fully into my childfree choice has allowed me to grow and experience the magic that happens when you live a life in full integrity with who you really are. From professional success in my early 20s, to marrying my childfree soulmate and traveling the world, to creating aligned experiences and relationships. My professional and personal experiences have taught me not only how to navigate this unique path but also how to help others do the same with confidence and joy.

My Commitment to You

As your coach, I’m here not just to guide you but to understand you deeply. I know the whispers of doubt and the heavy weight of societal expectations. More importantly, I know how liberating it feels to finally break free from them. My approach is all about connection, honesty, and empowerment. With a toolkit brimming with insights, proven strategies, and heartfelt empathy, I’m ready to help you forge a life where you not only survive but thrive.


Let’s Walk This Path Together

Whether you’re exploring this lifestyle for the first time or you’re looking to deepen your commitment to being childfree, I am here to support and uplift you. Together, we’ll navigate your fears, celebrate your strengths, and uncover the endless possibilities your childfree life has to offer.

Join me, and let’s transform your childfree journey into one of empowerment, clarity, and unabashed joy. This isn’t just about being childfree; it’s about being free to be you.